Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Relationship Between Host Community And Guest Tourism Essay

The Relationship Between Host Community And Guest Tourism Essay 2.0 Introduction Tourism is a product that relies totally upon simultaneous production and consumption. The implication of this for the destinations host community is that it will come into contact with an alien population during the production process. This contact can be beneficial or detrimental to the host community depending upon the difference in cultures and the nature of the contact. Tourism can develop and grow when host community has a positive attitude toward it and when they see their role in the process of the tourism development. At the point when a tourism destination is born, the quality if the life of the local hosts goes through radical changes, which are not necessarily negative. Literature suggests that tourism development has created both positive and negative impacts on communities. As a consequence, community residents hold different attitudes towards tourism development. Residents who do not support the development of tourism have been identified in almost all segmentation studies concerning attitudes towards tourism, namely Haters (Davis et al. 1988; Madrigal 1995), Cynics (Williams and Lawson 2001) or Somewhat Irritated (Ryan and Montgomery 1994). Host communities do see new business opportunities in tourism and are motivated to explore them. At the same time, they know that some negative physical, cultural, social and economic impacts will emer ge. The most complex problems that accompany tourism development, reside in the relationship between local host and tourist. Furthermore , there are limits of tourism growth that are closely associated with the place capacity and with the quality of life in the local community. The most complex problems that accompany tourism development, reside in the relationship between tourists and local host. Furthermore, there are limits of tourism growth that are closely associated with the place capacity and with the quality of life in the local community. When these limits are exceeded, local residents develop negative attitudes towards tourism. When negative attitudes become beliefs, tourism development obstacles appear. The beliefs of the local hosts become the most reliable indicator of the limits to the growth of tourism. 2.1 Tourism Development Tourism development is an expression that encompasses not only destinations, origins, motivations and impacts, but also the complex linkage that exist between all the people and institutions of that interconnecting, global supply and demand system ( Pearce, 1989). It has been widely recognized that tourism development is a double-edged sword for host communities. Not only does it generate benefits, but it also imposes costs (Jafari, 2001). By evaluating these benefits and costs, host community develop their perception toward tourism. Tourism is an industry which uses the host community as a resource, sells it as a product , and in the process affects the lives of everyone ( Murphy,1981). In general, tourism development within a host community often impacts the community both in negative and positive ways. These Impacts have been well documented and are usually classified as socio-cultural impacts, environmental impacts and economic impacts ( Allen et al., 1988; Ap, Farrell et al., 2001; Liu and Sheldon, 1987; Liu and Var, 1986; Nepal,2008; Pappas, 2008; Van Winkle and Mackay,2008). Residents attitudes will be positive if they can use tourism resources such as recreational facilities or if they perceive that tourism development will protect or preserve the environment ( Lankford et al, 2003). Conversely attitudes towards tourism were found to be negative if residents perceived the impacts as negative, or if the resources within a host community diminish as a result of tourist activity ( Lankford et al.,2003; Perdue et al., 1990). Tourism development initiatives usually center around the economic benefits derived from tourism. This typically includes job creation, taxes and other indirect income. 2.2 Tourism Planning Based on the World Tourism Organisations Hainan Declaration in December 2000, it is noted that one of the reasons for the failure of tourism planning in the past can be attributed to the lack of consultation with the local residents (Yahya et al. 2005:According to Williams and Lawson (2001) and Gursoy et al. (2002), research on residents reactions to tourism can help tourism planners understand why residents support or oppose tourism. Such information can help planners select those developments that can minimize the negative impacts and maximize support for tourism development amongst certain members of the local population. It has now become widely recognized that planners and entrepreneurs must take the views of the host community into account if the industry wants to pursue the goal of sustainable development (Allen et al. 1988; Ap and Crompton 1993). Success of a regional tourism development plan depends on the successful involvement of the community (Inbakaran and Jackson 2006: 64).Difference between success and failure could be location or temporally based so this research aims to set the foundation for continuing studies and inform local policy makers, planners and managers. This is particularly relevant in light of recent changes to local government structures in the region. Moreover, the successful development of a tourism industry requires effective planning that both recognises tourists demands and emphasizes the values of the local host community (Lankford, 1994). 2.3 Host community According to Sherlock (1999), it is difficult to define the term community precisely; nevertheless, the word can be used to refer to a group of people who exist in one particular location. Aramberri (2001) suggests that host societies are in fact communities, made of one piece. For Williams and Lawson (2001) community is defined as a group of people who share common goals or opinions. Host Community is particular is defined by Mathieson and Wall (1982) as the Inhabitants of the destination area. Similarly, Swarbrooke (1999) defines it as all those who live within a tourist destination. According to Gursoy et al.(2002) and Williams and Lawson (2001), the community consists of different groups of people who live in the same geographical area, which does not mean they necessarily belong to the same community. In the light of the previous definition, it can be concluded that a host community consists of all those people in the destination, whether they are homogeneous or heterogeneous an d regardless of whether the impacts of tourism are beneficial or otherwise. Tourism is an industry which uses the host community as a resource to sell it as a product, and in the process affects the lives of everyone (Murphy, 1980). The community as a product of amalgam of the destinations resources. As such the tourism industry is dependent on the host communitys hospitality, and therefore it should be developed according to the communitys needs to desires. Before host communities begin development of tourism resources, it is imperative to gain an understanding of hosts opinions regarding development. Tourism development in a community is not simply a matter of matching product supply with tourist demand, local acceptability must also be considered ( Menning, 1995). Moreover, it is the host community to who has a voice in concluding which tourism impacts are acceptable and which impacts are problems. However, the host is community is often the last to be notified of tourism development (Thyne and Lawson,2001) and quite often they are not given a chance or encouraged to give their opinioin on tourism issues. 2.4 Relationship Between Host Community and Guest A good relationship between local hosts and tourist is essential for the long term development of tourism destination. ( Ap and Crompton, 1998). The relationship between host community and tourists is mainly affected by the socio-cultural impacts that are caused due to tourism development (Smith, 1995). The variation in the relationship between hosts and tourists depends on the level to which the benefits of tourism are perceived to exceed costs ( Faulkner and Tideswell 1997). In other words, this mean that if the tourism industry brings in benefit rather than cost to the host community, the relationship between both parties would be much more stronger. Smith (1989) conclude that contacts between tourist and host community if different cultural background take the form of direct face to face encounters between tourists and host of different cultural groups. The interaction between hosts and international guests raises another issue linked to cultural tolerance. As argued by Bochner ( 1982), the mutual understanding between cultures can create an opportunity for acquaintance leading towards enhanced understanding and tolerance and, consequently, reduce prejudice, conflict and tension between hosts and tourists.This type of contact is experienced by tourists when they travel from home culture to a host culture by hosts when they serve tourists from a foreign culture. That is, both tourist and the host community participate in exploring each others culture. Tourist exploring the host culture by learning and exploring it and on the other hand the host community is interacting with tourists, who are of foreign cultures. 2.5 Host community perception towards tourism development Research has been conducted for the convenience of tourists, while local community perceptions and attitudes towards the industry have been given less of a priority (Murphy 1985). Butler (1980) claimed that there is a correlation between the development of tourism and the attitude of the domestic people towards the tourists. The domestic people show a very positive attitude towards the increasing number of tourists in the region at the beginning because they have high expectations from the tourist in long term basis. However this positive attitude is gradually replaced by the negative attitude as the time passes. Local residents perceptions are strongly influenced by the benefits and costs of tourism development. Those who received benefit from tourism stated that they are dependent on tourism, but the case was contrary for those who received nothing For instance, destination communities have been inconvenienced by congestion and some other negative impacts brought by tourism (Brunt and Courtney 1999). Any impacts from tourism causing annoyance or anger in the host community may lead to problems for the long-term development of the industry. Therefore, Murphy (1985: 133) argued if tourism is to merit its pseudonym of being the hospitality industry, it must look beyond its own doors and employees to consider the social and cultural impacts it is having on the host community at large. Studying host community attitudes and the antecedents of resident reaction can help both residents and planners (Williams and Lawson 2001).Williams and Lawson argued that it was possible to select those developments that can minimize negative impacts and maximize support for the industry. By doing so, on one hand the quality of life of residents can be maintained or enhanced; and, on the other hand, the negative impacts of tourism in the community wil l be reduced. 2.6 Tourism Impacts Researchers in the early years of the twentyfirst century list an impressive range of both positive and negative impacts on the host community as a result of tourism development (Fredline and Faulkner, 2000; Upchurch and Teivane, 2000; Gursoy et al., 2002; Besculides et al., 2002) The study of impacts from tourism on local communities takes in a range of literature that includes both the positive and negative effects of hosting tourists to a community. Andereck and Vogt (2000) point out that residents of a tourist community differ with respect to the impacts resulting from tourism development. However, researchers agree that a necessary condition of successful tourism development strategy is the inclusion of residents of the entire community if tourism investment is to yield substantial returns (Allen et al., 1988, 1993; Jurowski Uysal, 1997; Long et al ., 1990; Snepenger Johnson, 1991). 2.6.1 Socio-cultural Impacts Tourism is a socio-cultural event for both the guest and host (Murphy, 1985) and the contact between host and tourists can be beneficial or detrimental to the host community depending upon the difference in cultures and the nature of the contact .Tourism development also affects the social, cultural and environmental aspects within a destination. Socio-cultural impacts are concerned with the ways in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems, individual behaviour, family relationships, collective lifestyles, moral conduct, creative expressions, traditional ceremonies and community organization (Pizam Milman, 1984, cited in Haralambopoulos Pizam, 1996, p.503). Host community has always been viewed as victims having to accept the social and cultural changes that are brought by tourism development (Sharpley and Telfer, 2002), while guest who imposes their own values on the host communities are viewed as the villain. Socio-cultural aspects within a destination may be positively affected through increased tourism Research (Ap Crompton, 1998; Easterling, 2004) suggests that tourism brings an increased understanding of other cultures, and strengthens the cultural identity of the host destination and increases community pride. Furthermore, tourism development increases and promotes cultural exchange between tourists and residents. Tourism can also be a force to preserve and revitalize the cultural identity and traditional practices of host communities and act as a source of income to protect heritage sites (Easterling, 2004). Tourism on the socio-cultural aspects can contribute to the revitalisation of arts, crafts and local culture and to the realization of cultural identity and heritage. In order to attract more tourists, architectural and historical sites are restored and protected (Inskeep, 1991). According to a study by Isik (2005) in Denmark, it was common that local people are not happy because tourism narrowed their alternatives of life, they do not have jobs, for children and the youth there are no activities for fun, no cinemas and entertainment. Life is too monotonous. Many years ago, citizens were very happy; there was a perfect friendship between the neighbors but now they do not even greet each other. However, the same study was carried out in Gà ¼zelà §amlÄ ± in Turkey reveals that hosts are very happy with tourists and every summer they organize festivals to get more tourists From a cultural perspective, tourism development and the appearance of tourists could cause a series of changes in host communities, such as increased price and identity, cohesion, exchange of ideas and increased knowledge about cultures ( Stein Anderson 1999). In other word, meaning that the host community will gain in about the tourist culture, helping them to expand their knowledge. Other changes included assimilation, conflict and xenophobia as well as artificial reconstructio (Besculides, Lee McCormick 2002). Relevant literature acknowledged that perception of host community on such impacts ambivalent that is they have a feeling of both hate and love towards changes occurring with the tourism development. To others, the cultural changes caused by tourism threatens to destroy traditional cultures and societies (Brunt Courtney 199, p 495) and to others it represented an opportunity for peace, understanding and greater knowledge ( Brunt Courtney 1999, p.495).With an expansion in the international tourism, the contact between guest and host would increased automatically. Such an increase would deepen the cultural impacts of tourism on host communities. In an extreme situation, the host communities could become culturally dependent on the tourism generating country ( Sharpley 1994). 2.7 Factors Influencing Host community perception towards tourism development Tourism development does not only generate benefits, but it also imposes costs ( Jafari, 2001). By evaluating these benefits and costs, host community develop their perception toward tourism development. However, previous research indicates that the development of locals hosts attitudes toward tourism is not determined by those perceived benefits and costs but is modified by various moderating variables ( Lankford, 1994). Those tested variables are classified as the intrinsic dimension which includes residents socio-cultural economic and demographic attributes , but the results are mixed.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Day In The Life Of A Gnome :: essays research papers

A Day in the Life of a Gnome Once upon a time there was a gnome named Knob, who lived the far off land of Gnomania. Gnomania is a huge underground lair with only one entrance. The only entrance to this lair is by swimming down to the bottom of the ocean floor and knocking on a large clam. On the other side of this clam is an old grouchy gnome named Stubby whose only job was to keep the clam clean, and listen for the knock of incoming visitors. To assist Stubby in guarding the clam, he had a pet snark. A snark is an animal or pet that can be used as a watchdog. One day Knob went to visit his grandmother in the land of Gnollie which is about a guzillion centimeters away from Gnomania. On his way to his grandmother's house he ran across a garden. Upon stumbling on the garden, he decided to be thoughtful and pick some tulips for his grandmother. Tulips were her favorite snack. While approaching his grandmother's house, he found something to be very strange. His grandmother was hovering on an hummingbird, while picking apples from her tall twenty-foot appletree. After contemplating on this strange doing, he decided not to let it bother him. After seeing Knob approach her house, Knob's grandmother whistled for the hummingbird to bring her down so she could greet him. She greeted him with a loud burp which was a common courtesy among Gnomanians. After greeting him she also sprinkled him with some of her fairy dust. She handily carried it around in her turban. She naturally invited him in for dinner where they ate lots of mosquitoes. After dinner, they watched a cheap imitation of television. They used a big box to put different animals in and called it the Discovery channel. By the end of the day Knob was getting a little weary, so he decided to return home. When he returned form Gnollie his pet snark was there to welocme him home. He welcomed his snark back by feeding it fisheyes or to us humans dog biscuits. After the short snack, Knob and his snark went back to his teepee where they hibernated until the next morning. The next day Knob met up with his friend Door. Door was a runaway gnome who lived on the streets of Gnomania. They met one day by accident. Since Door lived on the streets, he had to steal food to survive. One day when Door was running away from a gardener he ran full speed into Knob.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Adrian Gauci Learning and Development Strategy – Adrian Gauci – Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT †¢ Employee Development of HR development is about the provision of learning, development and training opportunities in order to improve individual, team and organisational performance. †¢ The definition of development suggests a fulfilment of innate potential and ability through continuous involvement rather than just timely interventions to satisfy gaps in knowledge and ability.Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Learning and development †¢ Learning and development is the process of acquiring and developing knowledge, skills, capabilities, behaviours and attitudes through learning or developmental experiences. It is concerned with ensuring that the organization has the knowledgeable, skilled, engaged and committed workforce it needs. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Learning and development Learning is a continuous process that not only enhances existing capabilities but also leads to the development of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that prepare people for enlarged or higher-level responsibilities in the future. †¢ As explained by Honey and Mumford (1996): – ‘Learning has happened when people can demonstrate that they know something that they did not know before (insights, realizations as well as facts) and when they can do something they could not do Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, before (skills). ’Adrian Gauci Learning and development †¢ Development is concerned with ensuring that a person’s ability and potential are grown and realized through the provision of learning experiences or through self-directed (self-managed) learning. It is an unfolding process that enables people to progress from a present state of understanding and capability to a future state in which higher-level skills, knowledge and competencies are required. †¢ Training involves the application of formal processes to impart knowledge and help people to acquire the skills necessary for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily.Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci KEY L&D TERMS †¢ LEARNING: Learning is relatively permanent changes in behaviour that occurs as a result of practice or experience. †¢ EDUCATION: The development of Knowledge, values and understanding required in all aspects of life rather than the knowledge and skills relating to particular areas of activity. †¢ DEVELOPMENT: the growth or realisation of a person's ability and potential throug h the provision of learning and educational experiences. Training: The planned ; systematic modification of behaviour through learning events, programmes, and instruction which enable individuals to achieve the levels of knowledge, skills and competence to carry out their work effectively. Source: Armstrong-handbook of Personnel Management practices. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Elements of learning and dev Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci Characteristics of formal and informal learning Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci ROI †¢ Return on investment (RoI) is advocated by some commentators as a means of assessing the overall impact of training on organizational performance. It is calculated as: Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Learning and development strategy Learning and development strategy represents the approach an organization adopts to ensure that now and in the future, learning and development activities support the achievement of its goals by developing the skills and capacities of individuals and teams. It can be described similarly as strategic human resource development, defined as follows. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Learning and development strategy It is fundamentally concerned with creating a learning culture that will encourage learning and will provide the basis for planning and implementing learning activities and programmes.†¢ This concept of a learning culture is associated with that of the learning organization. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Diss ertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Elements of L;D strategy Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci A learning culture A learning culture is one that promotes learning because it is recognized by top management, line managers and employees generally as an essential organizational process to which they are committed and in which they engage continuously. †¢ Reynolds (2004) describes a learning culture as a – ‘growth medium’, which will ‘encourage employees to commit to a range of positive discretionary behaviours, including learning’ and which has the following characteristics: empowerment not supervision, self-managed learning not instruction, long-term capacity building not short-term fixes. Reynolds suggests that to create a learning culture it is necessary to develop organizational practices that raise commitment amongst employees and – ‘give employees a sense of purpose in the workplace, grant employees opportunities to act upon their commitment, and offer practical support to learning’. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci The learning organization The learning organization, as defined by Senge (1990) †¢ The learning organization is one – ‘where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together’. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian GauciThe learning organization †¢ Harrison (2000) learning organization remains persuasive beca use of its – ‘rationality, human attractiveness and presumed potential to aid organizational effectiveness and advancement’. †¢ Wick and Leon (1995) refer to a learning organization – as one that ‘continually improves by rapidly creating and refi ning the capabilities required for future success’. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci EMPLOYEE TRAINING Training is an important part of an organization’s long-range strategy: – Global competition and flatter organizational structures require multi-skilled employees – Focus on life-long learning – Diverse employees with varying cultural values – Developments in information technology require new skills and training strategies – Increased motivation – Individual goals equating with those of the organisation – Social benefits eg traning from government â€⠀œ Newly acquired skills for future use Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ BENEFITS OF T;D TO ORGANISATIONS Provision of trained human resources Improvements of existing skills Increased employee knowledge Improved job performance Improved customer service Greater staff commitment Increased value of the organisation's human assets The personal development of employees Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci PROCESS OF TRAINING †¢ SYSTEMATIC TRAINING †¢ PLANNED TRAINING Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci PLANNED TRAINING †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Identify and define training needs Define the learning required Define the objectives of training Plan training programme Decide who provides the training Implement the training Evaluate training Modify training programmes basis on the evaluation. MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), Adrian Gauci DEFINING TRAINING NEEDS †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ JOB TRAINING ANALYSIS ORGANSATIONAL ANALYSIS PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL JOB ANALYSIS CUSTOMER FEEDBACK OBSERVATION OF EMPLOYEES RECORDS OF EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCEAdrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci TRAINING OBJECTIVES †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ PREREQUISITE EXPERIENCE AND ABILITIES EDUCATINAL OBJECTIVES BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Learning and Development Activities Learning  and  Development  Activities †¢ case  study  exercises †¢ action  learning  activities †¢ modern  apprenticeship †¢ Employee  mentoring †¢ Group  /  Departmental  Ã‚  Exercises †¢ Situation  Simulation Management  coaching   †¢ Corporate  University †¢ Instruction  Lectures †¢ Outdoor  Learning  Activities   †¢ Training  by  role  playing See Page 1022 (Appendix in Armstrong Book) Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci The Training System Needs Assessment Evaluation Training Objectives Implementation Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Training Techniques On-the-job †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Job rotation Apprenticeships Coaching Mentoring Delegation by supervisor †¢ Work shadowing †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Off-t he-job †¢ Lectures & videos Vestibule training Role-playing/Cases Simulation Self-Study & Programmed Computer-based (CBT) Virtual reality Web-based/Intranet Video-conferencing Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Training & Development Strategies Cognitive T&D Strategies Environmental Behavioural Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci Training Evaluation Criteria Reaction Organizational results Training Evaluation Criteria Behaviour Knowledge Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci LEARNING ORGANISATION †¢ Learning might be the acquisition of a new skills, new knowledge, a modified attitude or a combination of all three. †¢ The process of acquiring knowledge through experience that leads to a change in behaviour. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci LEARNING ORGANISATION An organization that has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt and change – Systems thinking – Personal mastery – Mental models – Shared vision – Team learning Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci LEARNING ORGANISATION (CONTD. ) Garvin (1993) has suggested that LO are good at doing five things: †¢ Systematic problem solving-relying on scientific methods, insisting on data rather than assumption. Experimentation Kaizen (continuous improvements) †¢ Learning from past experience †¢ Learning from others †¢ Transferring knowledge quickly and efficiently throughout the organisation Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci SIX FACTOR MODEL OF LO Kandola a nd Fullerton have produced a six factor model of a LO: †¢ Shared vision †¢ Enabling structure †¢ Supportive culture †¢ Empowering management †¢ Motivated workforce †¢ Enhanced learning Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci LEARNING STYLES Kolb & Honey and Mumford Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci LEARNING STYLES Learning style theory can be used in the design and conduct of learning events or personal development programmes. Learning situations can be designed to fit the learning style of participants. Coffield (2005) stressed the importance of individuals’ ‘thinking styles’ – that is, their automatic way of organizing and processing information during learning – and of their ‘learning strategy’, meaning the pproach they adopt to try to overco me the limitations of their natural thinking style. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci EXPERIMENTAL LEARNING CYCLE Kolb provides one of the most useful descriptive model of the adult learning process. The LC suggests that there are four stages that follow from each others. †¢ Concrete experience: either planned or accidental †¢ Reflective observation: looking back at the experience. †¢ Abstract conceptualisation: seen as generalising from reflection and developing hypotheses based on experience and knowledge. Active experimentation: Testing the concepts or ideas in new situation. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci KOLB`S LEARNING STYLES †¢ ACCOMMODATIVE: Strong preference for concrete experience and active experimentation, learning by errors. †¢ DIVERGENT: preference for concrete experiences , but to reflect on these from different perspectives. †¢ ASSIMILATIVE: Indicates that knowledge is gained by incorporating experiences into already existing cognitive structure. †¢ CONVERGENT: prefer to experiment with ideas.Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci KOLB`S LEARNING STYLES †¢ Accommodators who learn by trial and error, combining the concrete experience and experimentation stages of the cycle. †¢ Divergers who prefer concrete to abstract learning situations and refl ection to active involvement. Such individuals have great imaginative ability, and can view a complete situation from different viewpoints. †¢ Convergers who prefer to experiment with ideas, considering them for their practical usefulness.Their main concern is whether the theory works in action, thus combining the abstract and experimental dimensions. †¢ Assimilators who like to create their own the oretical models and assimilate a number of disparate observations into an overall integrated explanation. †¢ Thus they veer towards the reflective and abstract dimensions. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci The Axis Concrete Experience – CE (feeling) ——- Abstract Conceptualization – AC (thinking) Active Experimentation – AE (doing)—– Reflective Observation – RO (watchin g)Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Divergers and Assimilators †¢ Diverging (feeling and watching – CE/RO) – These people are able to look at things from different perspectives. They are sensitive. They prefer to watch rather than do, tending to gather information and use imagination to solve problems. They are best at viewing concrete situations several different viewpoints. Kolb called this style ‘Diverging' because these people perform better in situations that require ideas-generation, for example, brainstorming.People with a Diverging learning style have broad cultural interests and like to gather information. They are interested in people, tend to be imaginative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. People with the Diverging style prefer to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and to receive personal feedback. Assimilating (watching and thinking â⠂¬â€œ AC/RO) – The Assimilating learning preference is for a concise, logical approach. Ideas and concepts are more important than people. These people require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity.They excel at understanding wide-ranging information and organising it a clear logical format. People with an Assimilating learning style are less focused on people and more interested in ideas and abstract concepts. People with this style are more attracted to logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value. These learning style people is important for effectiveness in information and science careers. In formal learning situations, people with this style prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models, and having time to think things through.Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor †¢ Adrian Gauci Convergers and Accomodators †¢ Converging (doing and thinking â₠¬â€œ AC/AE) – People with a Converging learning style can solve problems and will use their learning to find solutions to practical issues. They prefer technical tasks, and are less concerned with people and interpersonal aspects. People with a Converging learning style are best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories. They can solve problems and make decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems.People with a Converging learning style are more attracted to technical tasks and problems than social or interpersonal issues. A Converging learning style enables specialist and technology abilities. People with a Converging style like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate, and to work with practical applications. Accommodating (doing and feeling – CE/AE) – The Accommodating learning style is ‘hands-on', and relies on intuition rather than logic. These people use other people's analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approac h.They are attracted to new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans. They commonly act on ‘gut' instinct rather than logical analysis. People with an Accommodating learning style will tend to rely on others for information than carry out their own analysis. This learning style is prevalent and useful in roles requiring action and initiative. People with an Accommodating learning style prefer to work in teams to complete tasks. They set targets and actively work in the field trying different ways to achieve an objective.Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor †¢ Adrian Gauci HONEY ; MUMFORD LEARNING STYLES Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci HONEY ; MUMFORD`S LEARNING STYLES †¢ ACTIVIST: a dynamic learners without bias †¢ REFLECTOR: an imaginative learner and the person, who observes phenomena, thinks about them and then choose how to act. †¢ THEORIST: Who adapt and apply their observations in the form of logical theories. PRAGMATIST: a commonsense learner who only likes to study if they can see a direct link to practical problems. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci HONEY ; MUMFORD`S LEARNING STYLES †¢ 1. Activists who involve themselves fully without bias in new experiences and revel in new challenges. †¢ 2. Reflectors who stand back and observe new experiences from different angles. They collect data, refl ect on them and then come to a conclusion. †¢ 3.Theorists who adapt and apply their observations in the form of logical theories. They tend to be perfectionists. †¢ 4. Pragmatists who are keen to try out new ideas, approaches and concepts to see if they work. Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Ad rian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation SupervisorAdrian Gauci Kolb vs Honey ; Mumford Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor Adrian Gauci INDIVIDUAL BARRIERS TO LEARNING †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ LACK OF INFORMATION TIME MONEY APATHY ANDLACK OF MOTIVATIO CULTURE AGEISM SPECIAL NEEDS SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS LACK OF CONFIDENCE Adrian Gauci BA (Hons), MA, Dual MBA (New York) – Business Lecturer and MBA Dissertation Supervisor

Friday, January 3, 2020

The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil...

The War on Terrorism is an Attack on American Civil Liberties After the attacks on 9/11 our country has been forced to confront the issue of terrorism. The war on terrorism has ignited a war on our civil liberties. Our civil liberties have been affected by the passing of the Patriot Act, the violation of privacy, and an increase in racial profiling. Civil liberties have been affected immensely by the Patriot Act. A brief definition of the Patriot Act is; uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. The Patriot Act modifies the rules on searches. It allows third party holders of your financial, library, travel, video rental, phone, medical, church, synagogue and†¦show more content†¦The Patriot Act violates the civil liberties of immigrants living in this country. Five to ten thousand Middle Eastern men have been called in for questioning based solely on the fact they are Middle Eastern. As implied in the Patriot Act, anyone and everyone are subject to the unethical scrutiny of their personal lives. As well as monitoring phone and personal conversations, the government can also follow internet activity. According to John Ashcroft, those whose conversations are being monitored have been informed beforehand. Also, they will only be prosecuted on infor mation pertaining to terrorism. John Ashcroft has also said the Patriot Act has allowed suspension of due process from non U.S. citizens. This way the government can pick up and hold anyone suspected of terrorism for up to six months (Ashcroft). Racial profiling clearly violates civil liberties. It is unfair and ironic to target Iraqis who have come to the U.S. mostly to escape a totalitarian government (Cassak). In Arizona, a Sikh gas station owner was shot to death by a man whose only rationale for his actions was the declaration, I am an American, (Campbell). This proves that racial profiling has been taken to an extreme and is hurting innocent people. The Middle Eastern population of the U.S. is in the millions. They provide a valuable contribution to our society as doctors, lawyers, law professors, membersShow MoreRelatedThe Power of Nightmares: Reaction Essay On Terrorism1486 Words   |  6 Pagesestablished organizations and agencies with aims of combating international terrorism. However, these agencies did not establish vast public attention or immense government spending until the fall of 2001. The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 marked the transformation of not only the America n economy, but also a shift in public perceptions of terrorism, both at home and abroad. 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